The address to Serendipity Farms is 9980 W Walton Rd., Blanchard, MI 49310. If you are using a GPS, the address alone may not work. Please type in “Serendipity Farms” before the address and that should easily direct you to our entrance.
There is ample parking in our grass parking lots for all your guests. We also have 2 Handicap designated spots in the very front of the barn. Should you need overflow parking, it is located in the rear of the farm for wedding party and family members.
We kindly ask you to be aware of your surroundings when selecting your attire for the event. Many of our ceremonies and amenities are located outdoors, which allows you to experience the breathtaking natural landscape and the many beauties of the natural surroundings. We are located on a rural working farm, therefore we have a gravel drive and grass parking lots. There is a concrete walk path to the outdoor ceremony sites. You do have the ability to drop off guests at the door as well. Our best advice?... Dress to impress, dress for the weather, and wear shoes you can walk and dance in!
Smoking / Vaping
Smoking or vaping is only allowed near the front smoking area or the fire pit. This policy is to limit the significant fire and litter risks associated with smoking.